Monday 15 July 2013

Ramadan Journal Day 5- Something Crafty

I wasn't planning on doing anything crafty, but my daughter was bored and we'd just bought a glue stick the other day, so I gave her some things to glue.  I'd saved scraps of wrapping tissue paper, ribbon, and fabric in a jar.  Also, my bouquet of peonies (given to me by my lovely neighbor) was beginning to lose its petals, so I gave my daughter a bunch to play with.  We also scattered them around the carpet and made a flower garden.

This morning I tried out a new smoothie recipe, it was tasty but next time I would only use one tablespoon of coffee, I found it too strong. 

Coffee Banana Cooler
1 frozen banana
half cup milk
1 tablespoon Nescafe instant coffee powder
4 tablespoons Haagen Dazs vanilla ice cream

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